
Individuālā un klana kopējā statistika!

Salīdzini savus individuālos sasniegumus ar cietuem spēlētājiem.
Salīdzinu savu sasniegumu klana sastāvā un apskaties, kā citi klani ir veikuši savu attīstību.

Statistika | Klikšķi: 1113 | Pievienoja: Indigo

Information on player transfers between clans is available from 06 June 2011 to yesterday for RU, EU, and NAm regions; from 17 May 2012 for SEAs region; from 23 January 2013 for KR region; from 03 February 2013 for VN region. There is also statistical data for approx. 24000 players of both well-known and less known clans at the Russian server, which have been collected from March 2011. Dates of joining and leaving the clans may have error of one day.

Statistika | Klikšķi: 2296 | Pievienoja: Indigo

Efficiency rating calculator

Калькулятор рейтинга эффективности

Mūsu draugi


Pavisam kopā: 1
Nezināmie 1
Savējie 0