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Clan Webpage | Valoda: Angļu | Klikšķi: 316 | Pievienoja: Indigo

Clan Descriptions: A gaming community in WOT, made up of experienced players in leadership positions open to training new members who have a solid foundation of teamwork. We utilize tactics and strategy to win matches. We do not know everything but we are determined to try and learn it. 81st Armor is a disciplined group of players with a structure more familiar to military personnel. Most of us are veterans and understand the importance of working together as a team.

Clan Webpage | Valoda: Angļu | Klikšķi: 129 | Pievienoja: Indigo

The Resistance is against the over serious clan's approach to new players and take in members based on personality rather than number of battles or other statistics. What's in a number anyway?

Clan Webpage | Valoda: Angļu | Klikšķi: 107 | Pievienoja: Indigo

Welcome to Britannia Clan
The clan was formed before EUCBT and has grown in numbers we are a helpful group and all love things from WWII and most of us have served or are currently serving in the Forces, Our aim is to maximize fun and competivness in all forms of WoT and we look forward to Clan Wars and Historical battles to come.
Britannia clan is a friendly and fun orientated clan with members from all over England Europe and even as far a field as South Africa and America and god knows where else.

Clan Webpage | Valoda: Angļu | Klikšķi: 195 | Pievienoja: Indigo

Hello! welcome to the Josefvstalin.com WoT clan page.
Only accepting tier 5 tanks or tier 4 SPG's. You must be active, and ready to play your best. If you cant do any of that, then shove off.
Наше дело правое — победа будет за нами!
Everyone go to Josefvstalin.com for quality videos and hilarious commentary.

Soc-grupas | Valoda: Latviešu | Klikšķi: 126 | Pievienoja: Indigo

Viena no domubiedru grupām iekš draugiem.lv
Diskusijas pārsvarā notiek gar RU un EU serveriem.

Informatīvie | Valoda: Latviešu | Klikšķi: 123 | Pievienoja: Indigo

Spēļu komunikācijas portāls par jaunāko spēļu pasaulē.

Clan Webpage | Valoda: Krievu | Klikšķi: 158 | Pievienoja: Indigo

Serveris: RU
Klans: League of Liberty [LOL]

Informatīvie | Valoda: Krievu | Klikšķi: 200 | Pievienoja: Indigo

Informatīvs portāls par notiekošo spēlē

YouTube channels | Valoda: Krievu | Klikšķi: 240 | Pievienoja: Indigo

"Спасибо, Вспых, я стал лучше играть!":
Vspishka [RED_A] / VOD по World of Tanks

Soc-grupas | Valoda: Krievu | Klikšķi: 112 | Pievienoja: Indigo

World of Tanks. Официальная группа

Mūsu draugi


Pavisam kopā: 1
Nezināmie 1
Savējie 0